Newsletter #2 April 2014

AFE-INNOVNET Towards and age-friendly Europe


Two months after the kick-off, we are making good progress to mobilise European local and regional authorities and other stakeholders and are happy to inform you that you can now join the AFE-INNOVNET Thematic Network to help us create an Age-Friendly Europe! You are also welcome to register to our first webinar which will take place on 29 April, 11.00 CET, to mark the EU Day of solidarity between generations.

Featured News

Register to the first AFE-INNOVNET Webinar!

The AFE-INNOVNET team invites you to join its first webinar which will take place on 29 April 2014 at 11:00 – Brussels’ time (CET) in order to mark the European Day of Solidarity between Generations.

The aim of the webinar will be to introduce the AFE-INNOVNET project and its objectives to all interested stakeholders (local and regional authorities, universities/research centres, civil society organisations, industry and SMEs). Read more here

European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: meeting of the D4 Action Group
International Design for All Foundation

On the 31st of March, the D4 action group of the EIP AHA dedicated to age-friendly environments met in Brussels. It was the opportunity to discuss the results of the work done in 2013 and the way forward in 2014. Enlargement of the action group, communication and monitoring were key topics to see how to enhance the work of the D4 action group.

Read more here.


Age-friendly environments in Europe (AFEE) project
©City of Gyor

The Age-friendly environments in Europe (AFEE) project is an important contribution of the European Commission and the WHO Regional Office for Europe to step up work with cities and communities towards policies for age-friendly environments in Europe.

Physical and social environments are key determinants of healthy ageing and independent living in the community. Many decisions on access to good quality health and social care for older people are made at local and regional level. Local governments therefore play a crucial role in supporting and enabling people to lead active and healthy lives.

To read more, please click here

Global certification scheme for senior-friendly hotelss

Seniors are an important and fast growing segment in the tourism industry worldwide. In order to offer a “friendly” hospitality experience for seniors, accommodation facilities need to have in place special features in terms of both infrastructure and the way older guests are treated by the staff.

Seniors may experience some natural decline in their physical abilities, such as difficulty in walking long distances or negotiating many or steep steps, limitations in sight, hearing, memory and concentration, increased reaction time or reduced orientation capacities. Hotels (and accommodation facilities in general) need to fulfil certain accessibility criteria, so as to be safe and comfortable for seniors. Read more here.



Why we joined

Polibienestar is a Public Research Institute belonging to the University of Valencia (Spain), led by Jordi Garcés, Prince of Asturiasn Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown University. It is specialized in research, innovation and social technology, technical advice and training in the field of public policies. With AFE-INNOVNET, Polibienestar tries to pursue its final mission to improve the Welfare and Quality of Life of society, in this case, of older people. Read more here

Featured projects

SeNS project: strengthening networks for senior citizens

The SeNS project aims to strengthen networks for seniors, bringing better lives to all older people and creating networks able to relieve the increasingly overworked welfare systems in the North West European region.

SeNS is a transnational project, funded by Interreg IVB North West Europe, involving 7 partners from Genk (Belgium), Cambridge, Leeds and Stockport (UK), Iserlohn and Nuremburg (Germany) and Luxembourg (Luxembourg). Read more here

INNOVAGE Guide on user involvement
INNOVAGE Guide on user involvement

The INNOVAGE project aims at developing and testing, as well as surveying and cataloguing, social innovations that will have a solid impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of older people.

Involving older users in the planning and development of innovative approaches to promote active and healthy ageing is essential when developing new goods and services. Transforming users into partners ensures relevance and adequacy of new approaches and will help them to be implemented and adapted to different contexts. Read more here.

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